You know as a real estate agent I deal with people trying to get mortgages all the time. Just in the last month I had two qualified buyers, with good jobs, be told the big NO to their mortgage application by BMO, in this case. Let's help the economy in Nova Scotia by banking locally. Personally I use one of the credit unions in town. Here is the great video worth watching from Waylon's post.
Here is fun tag cloud tool called wordle. You enter the URL of a web site or a blog, and it scans all the content and generates a list of the most frequently appearing words, then displays them. Larger size words occur more frequently. Below is the tag cloud for
Notice that Halifax Realtor®, Nova Scotia Real Estate Agent, Selling your house and MLS® all come into play. Which makes sence as selling houses in Halifax through the MLS® as Realtor® is what I do! (Click on the image to make it bigger).
Why work with a Halifax REALTOR® like myself? Well here is fantastic web site made by CREA, (the Canadian Real Estate Association) which spells out all the benefits of working with a REALTOR® if you are buying or selling a house.
Click the photo above to get started on this journey. Wow, CREA did a good job on this. Or here is the direct link to forward to others!
I thought people might find this interesting. Here is really neat interactive map of Canada from CBC News. It shows house prices and their changes over the last few years. The data shown is gathered from Statistics Canada and CREA. It is very interesting to see what home prices are throughout our great country. Click on the map on above to go to the full story and interactive map.
Well, it has been along time coming but I finally launched my new Real Estate Site!
In case you did not know I’m using HD video to show off all my listings. I feature this fact throughout my site. This video really makes a difference as most Realtors just through up a few digital photos with their listings, and some times lousy pics at that!
Please click on the link on the left to visit my site. And enjoy!
67 Armcrest Drive | Lower Sackville | $169,900 (Click here to view this listing on the MLS system). Please take a moment and watch the full HD video of this home by clicking on the "play" button below.
Over 1400 Sq. feet of living area in this immaculate split entry. Home has been pre-inspected! All 5 modern appliances are included. Landscaped, central vac, 8x8 shed, large country kitchen with pantry, laundry room, brand new carpet, fresh paint, and the patio doors open to a 12 x 10 deck. This home is ready to move into.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation just released their latest stats a few hours ago. Hot off the press, so to speak, please click on the thumbnail to the left to read the full article.
In Brief the numbers will be down slightly for 2009 but forecast to improve in 2010. This is not surprising if you remember last January and February as the market was almost at a standstill. Actually, if you had asked anyone at that time they never would have guessed the year would have ended so strong.
Are you in the Market to buy or sell a condo or home. Please give me a call. Mike @ 902.209.6745
The King's Wharf model suite is now open! This is a very exciting project especially for me as I live just a few minutes walk away. It will also have a huge positive impact for Dartmouth. Please click on the thumbnail on the left to visit their site.
I was able to get in the other day for a sneak peak. Here is a short video of the Model Suite posted with King's Wharf permission:
Please call me now for more information, Mike @ 902.209.6745, and I would be happy to introduce you to the King's Wharf Condos and show you their model suite. Whether you are looking for a Condo to move into, or if you are looking to purchase a few units as an investment, Nova Scotia has never seen such a Real Estate Project!
Mike Smith, REALTOR® 902.209.6745 Family First Realty Halifax, Nova Scotia
The supply of new listing across Canada is going down. Please click here to read the full article from the Financial Post. All in all we can not complain about the Real Estate market in Nova Scotia....
It's a good time to get out there and buy a house if you have been on the fence according to this article. 95% of the Real Estate news coming out for Nova Scotia and Canada at large has been very positive for the last several months.
Here is another article hinting that the Real Estate Market in Canada, and most of the world, is starting to look better. However I believe that we have to keep in mind the unemployment situation in American is still getting worse and if this continues, as some say it will, there will be an adverse effect on the Real Estate markets in general. Click on the thumbnail above to read the full article from the Glove Investor.
The Canadian Commercial Real Estate Market is still facing troubled times as the Residential market recovers. Click on the thumbnail above to read the full story from the Chronicle Herald. Sales are down 50% for the first 1/2 of 2009 compared to where they were the year before. However things starting looking alittle better in July...
Below is a great funny video of why to work with a REALTOR® I actually will knock on the neighbors doors when I have a buying client to get any "insights" into the neighborhood they are buying into. You know to check for serial killers, grow houses, etc. But seriously how many REALTORS do you know that will go that extra step?
Well leave it to Google. They have made a very easy way to search for Real Estate in a givin area (including Nova Scotia). Just click on the link above or go to to check it out.
This is so much more easier than the clunky MLS system who always seems to be behind the times.
Pick out a few properties and I would be happy to show you them! I'm just a phone call away.
More good numbers for the Canada resale home prices. Click on the thumbnail above to read the full article for Reuters.
Interesting if you read through it though that the numbers for Halifax were down. This seems to be opposite what the last several other articles I have published have stated. Only thing I can think of is that these numbers were from last June and I have been posting more resent information.
Mike Smith, REALTOR 902.209.6745 Family First Realty
Here is another post in a series I have been writing from the CBC on how well the housing market is doing in Nova Scotia. Please click on the image above to view the complete article. 2009 sales are just off what they were in 2008. Many thought during last winter that sales would be dismal for the year.
Are you ready to invest in a house or sell the one you are in? Please call me now. I will film HD video of you home when you sell it with me and post this to the MLS system. This will give you home a tremendous advantage!
More good numbers for Housing Starts in 2010 for Canada. Click on the thumbnail above to read the full article from Time Colonist. Housing starts are expected to increase by 40% next year. If you have been holding off waiting to buy hoping prices are going to fall it may not be time wait anymore.
Call me now and let's find you a property to buy together.
Are you a student in the HRM area? Have you thought of buying a house or condo to live in while you are here? Click on the thumbnail above to read the whole story. This is a great article from
Here is some of the logic behind buying a house:
"One bedroom with a shared kitchen can easily generate $500 per month in rent. Multiply by three bedrooms and you've got $1,500 in rental income for that house. The price of a four-bedroom house can run from $250,000 to $400,000, but based on 20% down, the mortgage on a $300,000 home, for example, could be carried from the rent alone (based on today's interest rates and a 25-year amortization schedule)."
Give me a call now and I would be happy to find you a place.
According the CMHC things are looking up for 2010 in Atlantic Canada. Housing starts are down for 2009 but will recover next year. Please click on the thumbnail of the article above and then scroll down for more stats than you can handle.
After being away for a year in Ontario I must say what a delight to be back in Nova Scotia!
Well, I have now gone full circle back to being a Realtor with Family First Realty in Halifax! With my tremendous experience in the Home Inspection business I have much more to offer clients. I look forward to working with you.
I would like to Congratulate Noel Whitten as the new regional owner for A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections Atlantic Canada! Noel brings a tremendous amout of experice to the field.
I will be concentrating my efforts in Southwestern Ontario as I bought a larger region there. If you know of anyone in Ontario who may be interested in this excellent business opportuntiy please give me a call.
Here is a pic from the closing. (I'm the more handsome of the two, hehe)